
Reader describes harrowing experience with husband with dementia

Reader describes harrowing experience with husband with dementia

DEAR SUNPOINTS: My husband has dementia and is content to sit outside for long periods of time and watch the birds, wildlife, and passing traffic. The other day I spent the morning cooking, and while I was tidying up the kitchen, my rural mail carrier Michelle rang the doorbell. She said she saw my husband on the road, quite far from home. It was his first time wandering and he was almost 2 miles from home.

I am so grateful to Michelle and others who serve the public, are aware of their surroundings, and recognize when something is wrong. God only knows where he might have gone if Michelle hadn’t seen him.

Thank you to my hero.—No name, no city

ANSWER: I’m sure this really scared you, and I’m so glad Michelle noticed your husband and let you know. It may be time for your husband to wear a medical alert device, both for peace of mind and to help keep him safe. There are many options, and it may be the option that medical professionals choose for patients.

Readers, you can also help by recommending GPS tracking devices you know of. You can use AngelSense, Project Life Saver, Pocket Finder Smart Tracker, iTraq Nano, Spark Nano 7 and GPS Smart Sole for your loved ones, including children. Here’s a nice article about them all:

PRECIOUS SUNPOINTS: The Gardner Roberts Memorial Library, 25 Ferry Road in Hanover, is planning its 15th Annual Fall Festival on Saturday, October 12, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. arts and crafts supply sales, food court, many beautiful raffle baskets and quilt raffles. The plans also include a wishing well for children.

This is our big fundraiser and all proceeds go to the library.

Thank you for your valuable service. I look forward to reading Sun Spots every day. -Lynne, no town

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