
Ministry thanked Blinken for supporting cross-strait peace

Ministry thanked Blinken for supporting cross-strait peace

MOFA said that China continues to spread lies about Taiwan, and Beijing’s military expansion is the biggest source of disruption to the peace in the Strait.

  • Written by: Fang Wei-li and Lee I-chia / Staff reporters

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) thanked US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who, in his meeting with the Chinese Foreign Minister yesterday, emphasized the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and condemned China’s actions that threaten the peaceful “status quo” of the region. Affairs of Wang Yi (王毅) on Friday.

A press release by the US State Department stated that Blinken met with Wang on the sidelines of the 79th UN General Assembly in New York City, and Wang emphasized “the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.”

Blinken also expressed concerns about the People’s Republic of China (PRC) “dangerous and destabilizing actions in the South China Sea” and “PRC’s support for Russia’s defense industrial base and war of aggression against Ukraine.”

Photo: AP

The ministry said that senior US officials who reaffirmed their firm position and support for maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait during contacts with Chinese officials are welcomed and appreciated.

He also condemned China for continuing to threaten the peaceful “status quo,” saying the international community is interested in and committed to regional security and stability.

The statement said, “The Ministry pointed out that China’s news about the meeting once again included many lies about Taiwan and Taiwan-US relations.”

“The Republic of Taiwan (PRC) and the PRC are not interconnected,” the ministry said. “China’s continued pressure on Taiwan and arbitrary military expansion in the region is the greatest source of deterioration of regional peace and stability.”

Moreover, China’s support for Russia’s war in Ukraine and its joint military exercises with Moscow in the Indo-Pacific region reflect that China’s ambition has become a major threat to the world.

“A stronger Taiwan can better promote democracy, peace and prosperity around the world,” the ministry said, referring to President William Lai’s (賴清德) pre-recorded video speech at this year’s Concordia annual summit on Tuesday.

“(We) hope that Taiwan and other democratic nations will jointly support the democratic umbrella and counter authoritarian aggression,” the ministry quoted Lai as saying.

As a responsible member of the international community, Taiwan will continue to strengthen its self-defense capacity and work with the United States and like-minded countries to defend the rules-based international order to ensure peace, stability and prosperity in the Taiwan Strait. and added the Indo-Pacific region.