
VShred Reviews – Does V Shred Really Work? – Best Alternatives

VShred Reviews – Does V Shred Really Work? – Best Alternatives

Every time we read one of these dramatic VShred reviews, we cringe at the thought that this is a million-dollar company. Oh yes, they make close to $250 million every year with their extreme fat loss programs and the supplements they upsell.

It makes you wonder if it’s really that easy to make money and, more importantly, if that’s what’s being sold in the fitness industry.

We have been following VShred closely since the company was founded in 2015. Not that we are willing to follow them. But their ads would continue to pop up in our social media feeds and on YouTube.

Just out of curiosity, we saw about 3 minutes of that ad and closed it in disgust. But some of our readers wanted us to take a deep dive into VShred and the mystique of the brand. He has millions of followers on his social media accounts.

Which tics? Let’s find out, shall we?

Best Alternatives to VShred

  1. PhenQ – Best All-Round Supplement for weight loss

  2. PhenGold – Oxidize more oil via BAT

  3. hourglass harmony – End cravings and control appetite

What is VShred?

VShred is a Las Vegas-based health and fitness brand founded in 2015. Since then, the brand has become one of the most popular wellness brands in the industry.

It currently has offices on four continents with hundreds of employees and generates an average annual revenue of $250 million. The company offers a number of programs aimed primarily at weight loss. The VShred program is the flagship for weight loss.

All VShred programs are aggressively marketed across search, video and social media ad networks and their reach is phenomenal. If you follow fitness trends on any social media accounts or have searched for the phrase ‘lose weight’, you may have probably seen an ad for VShred.

There is a shirtless, ribbed social media influencer named Vince Sant. Vince is a certified fitness model and celebrity trainer, according to his updated profile. She appears in many of VShred’s infomercials, as well as in the main promotional videos for their workout programs.

VShred has been in the news for all the wrong reasons. The brand has been criticized by some of the fitness industry’s most well-known names for selling misinformation. That’s not all.

If you look at message boards and Reddit for real customer reviews, you’ll discover that there are plenty of complaints about V Shred, not just about the workout routines or meal plans that interest you. But discrediting guarantees etc. even about.

What is extreme fat loss?

Fat Loss Extreme is one of the flagship fitness programs from VShred, which claims to help people lose weight during their fitness journey in just 28 days.

The entire branding of this program is focused on getting results quickly. Anyone who has embarked on a weight loss journey will confirm that it is never easy and never fast.

You can subscribe to the most advanced shredding programs and you will still need to focus on consistency, sustainable eating habits and calorie restriction in order to lose weight.

But Vince Sant rarely talks about all this. Instead, he prefers to talk about the secret techniques in his Extreme Fat Loss V Shred program that can help you lose body fat dramatically, no matter your current body condition.

He uses terms like metabolic confusion and smart workouts to introduce the idea that this program will work no matter what. Because VShred seems to have cracked the secret of Hollywood celebrities losing targeted body fat.

Many Red Flags with VShred

Before we start discussing products and other aspects of the program, let’s dive right into the red flags regarding VShred. There are a few worth mentioning.

No Qualified Experts on Board

The biggest red flag with VShred is that they sell fitness and nutrition advice without a panel of qualified fitness experts. We’re not sure if Vince designs the plans and workouts himself or if he’s just the face of the company.

But if there is a panel of experts creating these structured plans, then they do not reveal their names, which again is very suspicious. Why would you want to take fitness advice from someone who is unqualified to even train a beginner?

This is a Cookie Cutter Program

VShred wants you to believe that by answering a survey on its website you will somehow receive a personalized diet and exercise plan. Make no mistake, you’re not.

No matter what details you fill out the survey, you will likely be recommended the same Fat Loss Extreme program that they offer to everyone else. Even if you are 13 years old, 39 years old, or 55 years old and have pre-existing conditions, you will still be referred to Fat Loss Extreme.

Fitness programs cannot be one size fits all. It rarely leads to good results and almost always leads to a series of problems.

Exaggerated and Unrealistic Claims

VShred makes some exaggerated and unrealistic claims about what kind of results you can achieve with the program. They claim that you can quickly lose fat while maintaining muscle gain during the program.

For example, they claim that HIIT, performed 3 times a week, is the secret of fat burning. Even a teenager now knows that HIIT can help you burn fat. But HIIT doesn’t work for everyone. There are people who cannot do HIIT for various reasons.

Instead, you need a personalized approach that’s a mix of HIIT, resistance training, and goal-directed nutrition, which should be constantly monitored and modified based on your progress.


Most of VShred’s videos are full of pseudo-scientific nonsense. For example, they talk about ‘body type’ or somatotypes. Are you mesomorph, ectomorph or endomorph? This information was taken from an unsuccessful clinical trial in the 1940s.

It has been rejected thousands of times by peer-reviewed journals. That’s not the only part of it. VShred talks about ‘Metabolic confusion’ which is a fancy name for the Carbohydrate cycle. Carb Cycling is no more effective than planned calorie restriction.

This has been proven many times in meta-analysis studies. This is another ‘fancy new tool’ that dietitians love to throw around as if it can help you get superior results.

So any custom meal plan or personal trainer plan you subscribe to from V Shred, you’ll start cycling and HIIT on carbs.

Serious Health Risks

Many of the VShred programs, including Fat Loss Extreme, are too aggressive for sustainable weight loss. In fact, they can cause more harm than good.

In one of the diet plans they post on fat loss extremities, the recommended calorie intake for 3-4 days a week is 1300. We have never seen anyone losing weight in a healthy way with 1300 calories a day.

Add to this the fact that you will do HIIT some days. With insufficient sleep, you will work too much. How will you be able to preserve muscle mass in this plan?

unethical practices

You may think that all the customer reviews you see on social media and Google are genuine. But this is not the case.

V Shred has previously been accused of unethical business practices such as using doctored photos and discrediting warranties. If you take a look at some honest reviews on messaging boards, you’ll come across a lot of negative comments.

While all fitness brands can use some hype, V Shred’s problems are more serious.

Is V Shred worth it?

With all these red flags we’ve highlighted, we think the answer is pretty self-explanatory, right?

V Shred is not an ideal choice for long-term health and sustainable fitness goals. It’s a cookie-cutter program that uses aggressive marketing and upselling to bring you exercise plans, supplements, and personalized meal plans.

So, one wonders how customers achieve these results. They have also been accused of false business practices so we can’t be sure if customers are actually getting the results they advertise.

You’re better off using a sustainable approach to your fitness goals that takes your current health into account and is tailored to the challenges you face when trying to lose weight.

V Shred alternatives – What should you use if not V Shred?

A question we often hear is: What else should we try besides V Shred? Is there an alternative program we can try?

Should we try supplements instead? Should we hire a personal trainer?

Here’s our two cents. You should focus on the basics. Calories in vs calories out. That’s what fat loss and any kind of weight loss is all about.

Now ask yourself what are the challenges you face when trying to restrict calories? Maybe you have unhealthy snacking habits. Maybe you can’t do HIIT and prefer low-impact moves that can help you burn more calories.

Perhaps your mood and motivation level may drop during your weight loss journey, causing you to quit midway.

Based on these, we think that combining the three supplements listed below with very low-impact activities can help you get great results.

Here are our in-depth reviews of these three supplements and why we think they are much better options than VShred.

#1 – PhenQ – Best All-Round Supplement for Weight Loss