
White House mother outraged over data showing how many illegal immigrant criminals are at large in the US

White House mother outraged over data showing how many illegal immigrant criminals are at large in the US

white house There was no immediate comment on new data released to lawmakers showing the number of illegal immigrants with sex crime and murder convictions who are not in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody.

The agency provided Rep. Tony Gonzales, R-Texas, with data on illegal immigrants with criminal charges or convictions. DataAs of July 2024, they are divided into those who are detained and those who are not detained, known as non-detainees.

The non-custodial list includes non-citizens who have received final deportation orders or are undergoing deportation proceedings but are not in ICE custody.

There are more than 7.4 million people on this list, down from about 3.7 million when former President Trump left office.

Tens of Thousands of Illegal Immigrants on the Streets with Sexual Assault and Murder Convictions: Ice Data

U.S. Border Patrol agents at the U.S. and Mexico border fence in Calexico, California.

Data shows that among those who are not detained, 425 thousand 431 are convicts and 222 thousand 141 people have pending criminal complaints. The data does not reveal how many of these criminals are newcomers.

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For comparison, August 2016Towards the end of the Obama administration, ICE said it had about 2.2 million noncitizens on its detainer list, and about 368,574 were convicted felons.

According to the latest data, among criminals, 62,231 people were convicted of assault, 14,301 people were convicted of theft, 56,533 people were convicted of drugs and 13,099 people were convicted of murder. Additionally, 2,521 people are accused of kidnapping and 15,811 people are convicted of sexual assault. An additional 1,845 are charged with murder, 42,915 with assault, 3,266 with theft and 4,250 with assault.

The White House did not immediately respond to requests for comment on the data and whether it was aware of the figures. Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign also had no comment. Harris is on the southern border of Arizona.

Fox News Digital also reached out to the Department of Homeland Security.

The news sparked outrage from Republicans, who blamed the figures on the Biden administration’s policies and sanctuary districts refusing to cooperate with ICE.

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Representative Gonzales He called the data “beyond disturbing” and said “it should be a wake-up call for the Biden-Harris administration and cities across the country hiding behind sanctuary policies.”

“It’s time for Washington to leave the rhetoric behind and move toward results. Americans deserve to feel safe in their own communities. As an appropriator, I do everything I can to ensure ICE has the resources necessary to deport non-citizens with criminal records.” “I’ll do the thing. This should be a priority,” Gonzales said in a statement.

“The Biden-Harris administration is also playing a role in cleaning up the mess created by its failed policies. Sanctuary city mayors have their ear. It’s time to encourage them to reverse course and put the safety of American citizens first.”

Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green said releasing illegal immigrants into the United States “defies all common sense.”

Migrants line up at a remote U.S. Border Patrol processing center after crossing the U.S.-Mexico crossing in Lukeville, Ariz.

“This is insane. This is something that no civilized, well-functioning society should tolerate,” he said.

In its letter to Gonzales, ICE allegedly “sacred” cities Those who refuse to cooperate with federal law enforcement in the deportation of illegal immigrant criminals.

“ICE acknowledges that some jurisdictions are concerned that cooperating with federal immigration officials would erode trust among immigrant communities and make it harder for local law enforcement to serve these populations. But ‘sanctuary’ policies can lead to the protection of dangerous criminals who often victimize immigrant communities in the same communities.” he said.

He also highlighted DHS’s efforts to eliminate illegal immigrants.

“From mid-May 2023 through the end of July 2024, DHS removed or returned more than 893,600 individuals, more than 138,300 of whom were in family units. The majority of all individuals encountered at the Southwest Border in the past three years were removed, returned, or deported.”

Click Here for More Coverage of the Border Security Crisis

The Biden administration has prioritized eliminating public safety and national security threats in the narrowed priorities it announced for 2021, but critics have prioritized eliminating public safety and national security threats. ICE removals.

Republicans blamed the border crisis on the administration’s policies, including Trump’s rollback of “capture and release” policies.

The administration has said it needs more funding and reform from Congress, including a bipartisan Senate bill introduced this year. This bill would increase the number of ICE detention beds, but critics of the administration have pointed to figures showing not all beds are currently occupied.

Question asked about increase non-custodial file A White House spokesman hinted at that bill this summer.

“Republicans in Congress had the opportunity to support the fairest and toughest reforms in decades, and instead of fixing our immigration system and securing our borders, they chose to prioritize partisan political interests,” the spokesperson said.

“Republicans in Congress have proven that they don’t care about the security of our border because, frankly, if they did, they would support a bipartisan agreement.”

The data release comes as follows: Harris’ visits He is trying to portray himself as tougher on Arizona’s southern border and at the border than former President Trump, whom he blames for the border bill’s failure to pass.

“Donald Trump filibustered a bill to improve border security just so he could win this election,” he said in a statement Friday. “As I have shown throughout my career, I will not back down from my plan to make our borders safer.”

Fox News’ Bill Melugin contributed to this report.

Original article source: White House mother outraged over data showing how many illegal immigrant criminals are at large in the US