
Fargo software company expands reach in livestock tech industry – InForum

Fargo software company expands reach in livestock tech industry – InForum

FARGO — A local software company is helping improve agriculture technologies for livestock.

701 X in Fargo has a software app for cattle ranchers to input all data and all records that’s used in about 350 ranches.

Now, they’re partnering with Digital Beef to expand their services.

Digital Beef is a registry software platform based in San Antonio. It serves 17 cattle and two sheep associations.

Those using 701 X software can report animal performances to receive registration certificates and performance-ranking data. Staff say the new partnership will add more than 9,000 ranches to their roster of clients.

“They service a lot of these seat dock producers and we’ve been developing a lot of technology that fits well in the industry,” Max Cossette, 701 X vice president of business development, said.

701 X also offers hardware devices, such as GPS ear tags for cattle.

“We’re one of the only companies out there with a GPS ear tag for cattle, and even the companies that do have GPS ear tags for cattle don’t have a lot of the algorithms, artificial intelligence models that we built on our tag ,” Cossette said.

Cossette said they plan to add satellite connectivity in the next few years, as well.

My name is Anne Sara, better known as Sara.
I was born an only child in Port-au-prince, Haiti and moved to the US at the age of 2.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is where I was raised.
After graduating with my bachelor’s degree at Albright College, I moved to Florida to continue my studies.
WDAY is the reason why I moved to North Dakota.