
New Permit Scheme replaces Red Tags for Off-Highway Competition Bikes

New Permit Scheme replaces Red Tags for Off-Highway Competition Bikes

Press release | September 26, 2024

Competition model off-highway motorcycles will have a new way to operate legally on California public lands starting in 2026.

Senate Minority Leader Jones rides his bike at the Ocotillo Wells State Vehicle Recreation Area.

This is a press release from MIC…

(September 25, 2024) – Competition model off-highway motorcycles will have a new way to operate legally on California public lands starting in 2026. Senate Bill 708, introduced by State Senator Brian W. Jones, a longtime motorcycle advocate and rider, itself became new law this week. The order instructs the state Department of Parks and Recreation to allow California residents to ride dirt bikes in approved activities.

“We have worked hard with OHV stakeholders and affected government agencies, including the State Parks and Air Resources Board, to perfect this program over the past five years,” said Senator Jones. “SB 708 is a true measure of consensus that will allow OHV racers to continue their sport safely and responsibly while being a strong part of the recreational economies in rural and suburban California.”

The new law states that “an approved activity permit shall only be valid for California residents and 2022 model year and newer dirt bikes that do not qualify for Green Label or Red Label off-highway vehicle designation” and is “subject to enforcement.” Event means an event sanctioned by an agency within the guidelines for off-highway vehicle competition or racing events. Additionally, “The Department of Parks and Recreation may determine and adjust the amount of the fee to defray operating and administrative expenses… and… shall deposit fees collected pursuant to this section into the Off-Highway Vehicle Trust Fund. An approved event permit shall be issued by December 31 of the year in which the permit is issued.” It will end on.”

click HEREFor the bill’s information sheet.

Last year, MIC called on all powersports companies to add their names to letterheads supporting legislation allowing continued use of competition model motorcycles on public lands in California.

Ten members of the MIC Board of Directors (all of whom met in person at the association headquarters yesterday) and MIC President and CEO Christy LaCurelle signed a letter to Senator Jones stating in part:

“Despite the governor’s prior veto, you worked with our industry to find a new solution to the problem and guided SB 708 through the legislature while educating your state colleagues on the value of off-highway motorcycle competition. “We greatly appreciate your determination to not give up and become a champion of the motorcycle industry.”

Learn more about Senator Jones and the bill here:

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