
Apologies to anyone who took issue with Ryan Seacrest, but it looks like Wheel of Destiny’s Pat Sajak takeover is going well

Apologies to anyone who took issue with Ryan Seacrest, but it looks like Wheel of Destiny’s Pat Sajak takeover is going well

More than a year has passed since then Ryan Murphy named substitute host Open Passionflower do not follow Pat Sajakcame out of retirement and actually found time in his schedule to take over Autumn TV premiere. The year before its official release, some fans were less positive about the swap for one reason or another, but the first week of episodes went by without a hitch, except for everything Complaints about the new set.

This actually means selling below price. PassionflowerThe first week of Season 42 earned some legitimate star ratings. great game show of all timeThis had to be a huge boost of positivity for Seacrest. (who was easily confident about taking over To be fair, it’s very early on.) How successful has it been?