
Photoelectrochemistry in Solar Energy Use

Solar energy conversion is of great significance for energy applications, as it not only helps to protect the environment and ensure the sustainability and stability of energy supply, but also provides significant economic and social benefits. Although photoelectrochemistry offers great potential in solar energy utilization, there are still some technical challenges and uncertain mechanisms. These include methods and theories for effectively improving the light absorption and conversion ability of semiconductor materials, separation and transport of photogenerated carriers, and device assembly. To address these problems, researchers are constantly investigating new materials, processes, and reaction mechanisms to achieve groundbreaking discoveries and advances in photoelectrochemical applications. In the future, with the continuous development of materials science, nanotechnology, and electrochemistry, the applications of photoelectrochemistry in solar energy utilization will become more comprehensive and profound.

This Research Topic, “Photoelectrochemistry in Solar Energy Utilization”, aims to comprehensively introduce the latest research, cutting-edge research advances, and research centers on photoelectrochemistry in the process of solar energy utilization. This includes photon capture and utilization in photoelectric devices, carrier separation, transport, and extraction processes. Focusing on the fundamental challenges in the field of photoelectrochemistry during the conversion of solar energy into electrical energy or chemical energy, it provides a new research perspective on methods and mechanisms to improve the photoelectrochemical properties of semiconductor materials. This Research Topic includes applications of photoelectrochemistry in solar cells, photoelectrochemical water splitting, and CO2.2transformation.

• Photoelectrochemistry in Solar Cells
• Photoelectrochemistry in Water Splitting
• Photoelectrochemistry in CO2Transformation

Manuscript types should include research articles and reviews. Both full-length articles, communications, mini-reviews, and extended reviews are acceptable.

Keywords: Photoelectrochemistry, Solar Energy, Photocatalysis, Photoelectrocatalysis, Solar cells, Water splitting

Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statement. Frontiers reserves the right to direct an out-of-scope manuscript to a more appropriate section or journal at any stage of peer review.

Solar energy conversion is of great significance for energy applications, as it not only helps to protect the environment and ensure the sustainability and stability of energy supply, but also provides significant economic and social benefits. Although photoelectrochemistry offers great potential in solar energy utilization, there are still some technical challenges and uncertain mechanisms. These include methods and theories for effectively improving the light absorption and conversion ability of semiconductor materials, separation and transport of photogenerated carriers, and device assembly. To address these problems, researchers are constantly investigating new materials, processes, and reaction mechanisms to achieve groundbreaking discoveries and advances in photoelectrochemical applications. In the future, with the continuous development of materials science, nanotechnology, and electrochemistry, the applications of photoelectrochemistry in solar energy utilization will become more comprehensive and profound.

This Research Topic, “Photoelectrochemistry in Solar Energy Utilization”, aims to comprehensively introduce the latest research, latest research advances and research centers related to photoelectrochemistry in the process of solar energy utilization. This includes photon capture and utilization in photoelectric devices, carrier separation, transport and extraction processes. Focusing on the fundamental challenges in the field of photoelectrochemistry during the conversion of solar energy into electrical energy or chemical energy, it provides a new research perspective on methods and mechanisms to improve the photoelectrochemical properties of semiconductor materials. This Research Topic includes photoelectrochemistry applications in solar cells, photoelectrochemical water splitting and CO2transformation.

• Photoelectrochemistry in Solar Cells
• Photoelectrochemistry in Water Splitting
• Photoelectrochemistry in CO2Transformation

Manuscript types should include research articles and reviews. Both full-length articles, communications, mini-reviews, and extended reviews are acceptable.

Keywords: Photoelectrochemistry, Solar Energy, Photocatalysis, Photoelectrocatalysis, Solar cells, Water splitting

Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statement. Frontiers reserves the right to direct an out-of-scope manuscript to a more appropriate section or journal at any stage of peer review.