
Kumaraswamy reviews development activities at Leparada

Kumaraswamy reviews development activities at Leparada

BAŞAR, 22 Sep: Union Minister of Heavy Industries and Steel HD Kumaraswamy reviewed various development activities in Leparada area during a meeting with department heads here on Sunday.

In addition, the problems and difficulties faced by the implementing units in carrying out development work were listened to.

The Minister expressed his satisfaction with the performance of the units and advised all unit managers and civil servants to continue to work devotedly for the holistic development of the district.

Admitting that the state has huge potential in agriculture and horticulture sector, Kumaraswamy said that he would take up the issue with the ministry concerned and provide necessary guidance and support including infrastructure, technical, financial and marketing to the farmers of the state for promotion and growth of both the sectors.

The Minister later visited KVK farm in Gori village and met with the district officer and other scientists of ICAR AP Centre.

PRI members in Gori village also met with women and village elders and briefed them about the central government’s commitments and initiatives for the development of the North-Eastern provinces.

Kumaraswamy was earlier welcomed by DC (i/c) Ejum Angu, all HoDs and the public on his arrival here. (DIPRO)