
Housing, immigration and Leinster House cycling clear public’s top Government concerns – The Irish Times

Housing, immigration and Leinster House cycling clear public’s top Government concerns – The Irish Times

Housing This issue was once again the issue that most affected the public perception of the government’s performance. This issue was first raised by 18 percent of respondents (down 1 point) in the latest Snapshot survey.

Immigration It was pushed back slightly on the agenda by the Oireachtas (down 9 points to 12 per cent). bike debate (12 percent).

Each monthly Snapshot survey, conducted by Ipsos B&A for The Irish Times, examines the views of 1,000 Irish adults and asks them what they have seen or heard about the Government that makes them think the country is heading in the right or wrong direction. All answers are recorded verbatim and then coded into answer categories.

Housing is a persistent feature in Snapshot surveys, consistently emerging as the first or second most concerning issue. It’s a far more important metric for Dubliners, dwarfing all other topics by attracting 26 per cent of first mentions among those living in the capital.

Ireland’s population has increased dramatically since the financial crisis, so it was inevitable that an infrastructure deficit would eventually emerge. However, the public is not convinced that the Government is as effective as it should be in closing the gap.

An analysis of all Snapshot comments over a six-month period provides a useful summary of the key themes found under the housing umbrella. The main complaint is, unsurprisingly, a simple lack of housing that has reached crisis levels, with one respondent saying: “the housing crisis is a big concern; there is no planning, lots of reports but no forward planning (and now it is) a constant crisis ” .

In particular, the cost of housing is frequently mentioned and reference is made to how damaging this could be to the younger generation who are being priced out of the market; One participant reflects the mood: “Houses are so expensive, more young people are leaving the country than ever before. . “Wages are high, but the cost of living is so high, I can’t afford to stay here.”

Forcing vulnerable groups into unsuitable accommodation or homelessness This is also a frequently expressed concern; One participant summarized the issue with the following words: “I think it is a shame for families and children to live in hotel bedrooms.”

Finally, on housing, some participants felt that progress was being made and the seriousness of the problem was understood; “The government is starting to turn the corner on housing” is among the answers.

After housing, immigration (12 percent) and bicycles (12 percent) eliminate the debate. While immigration has featured prominently in Snapshot surveys since late last year, the Bicycle Shed story is a new entrant. It has especially captured the imagination of those under 25; among them the cost of the new addition to Leinster House has been the Government’s number one talking point.

Health/HSE came in fourth place with 5 per cent (up 1 point). Planned ban on disposable e-cigarettesThis is specifically mentioned by 2 percent of those surveyed, and all of them see it as a positive move.

“Social policies” also figure in 5 percent and, along with the budget (4 percent), will likely attract a higher profile in the next survey as the merits of this year’s fiscal decisions will be debated in the coming weeks.

Finally, taxes as a category rose 1 point to 3 percent, helped by rumors about Apple’s tax decision. apple unexpected It would likely have had more of an impact on this month’s Snapshot had most of the interviews for the September survey not been completed before the announcement.

Looking at the verbatim comments about Apple’s multibillion-dollar tax, it is clear that citizens are uneasy about how the money will be spent, if at all. It’s a first world problem, of course, but it’s still a problem, and a bike shed that costs as much as a house doesn’t help convince the public that the Government knows how to spend its money wisely.