
Yoon’s Approval Rating Is Lowest Since Taking Office l KBS WORLD

Yoon’s Approval Rating Is Lowest Since Taking Office l KBS WORLD

Photo: YONHAP News

New polls show approval ratings for President Yoon Suk Yeol and his ruling People Power Party have fallen to their lowest levels since the Yoon administration took office in May 2022.

According to a Realmeter survey of 2,507 adults nationwide conducted last Monday through Friday, 25 point eight percent of respondents approved of Yoon’s handling of government affairs; This rate decreased by four point five points compared to a week ago. .

A 70 percent majority of respondents disapproved of his job performance, an increase of four point six points from last week.

For the first time since Yoon took office, his disapproval rate exceeded 70 percent.

Realmeter said his approval rating hit an all-time low, replacing the record set two weeks ago.

The survey, commissioned by the Economic Business Journal, had a confidence level of 95 percent and a margin of error of plus or minus two points.

Meanwhile, the People Power Party’s approval rating dropped five point three points from last week to 29 point nine percent; this is the lowest level since Yoon’s government took office.

The main opposition Democratic Party’s approval rating was 43 points to two percent, up four percentage points from a week ago.

The survey of nearly a thousand adults conducted Thursday and Friday had a confidence level of 95 percent with a margin of error of plus or minus three point one point.