
Palm Beach’s Jewish congregations planning for High Holy Days

Palm Beach’s Jewish congregations planning for High Holy Days

The past year has been a painful and challenging one for Jews around the world, as the events of October. 7, 2023, have caused a deep and enduring sorrow.

But as the High Holidays approach, Palm Beach’s Jewish community is remaining hopeful that the coming year will be one of peace, strength and healing.

“The events of October 7 have left an indelible mark on our hearts and minds, testing our resilience and faith in profound ways,” Rabbi Moshe Scheiner of Palm Beach Synagogue told the Daily News. “In the face of tragedy, we have come together as a community with unwavering strength and solidarity. We have supported each other through grief and uncertainty, demonstrating the power of unity and compassion that defines us as a people.”

Related: Palm Beach’s Jewish congregations rally to support Israel following Hamas attacks

“As we begin the new year,” he added, “we are strengthened by our faith and fellowship. We stand together, united in prayer and optimistic that the coming year will be filled with blessings of joy and peace.”

Rabbi Zalman Levitin of Chabad House Palm Beach agreed that the Jewish High Holidays are a time of celebration, contemplation and renewal.

“In today’s turbulent world, people are often drawn into retreats in their quest for serenity and spiritual connection,” he said. “Judaism gifts us each year with the monthlong High Holiday season, which is a built-in retreat of sorts where the truly important, foundational values ​​in living a meaningful life are all covered.”

Rabbi Barak Bar-Chaim of New Synagogue said the High Holidays are a time for introspection and renewing spiritual fortitude in preparation for the year ahead.

“Our sages teach us that everything that will occur throughout the year is largely decided between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur,” he said. “It is a time of reflection and spiritual strengthening for the coming year. After such a painful year for our people, we gather together in community to storm the heavens with prayers for a better, sweeter year.”

The Jewish New Year festival of Rosh Hashana is scheduled for Oct. 2-4. It is marked by the blowing of the shofar, and begins 10 days of penitence culminating in Yom Kippur on Oct. 11 and 12.

Chabad House

The Chabad House will hold most High Holidays celebrations at The Colony Hotel, 155 Hammon Ave., with reservations required for services and meals. To reserve a seat for services or for Rosh Hashana meals, visit The cost for the meals is $75 per adult and $50 per child; nonmembers are $100 per adult and $50 per child. To reserve a hotel room, contact the hotel directly at (561) 655-5430.

For Rosh Hashanah:

  • Ten Oct. 2, there will be a candle lighting at 6:47 pm, followed by a service and dinner at 7 pm A children’s program runs from 7-8 pm
  • Ten Oct. 3, morning services begin at 9:30 am, followed by a sermon and shofar at noon. A kiddush lunch will follow services. A children’s program runs from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm Shofar and tashlich will be held at the Worth Avenue Clock Tower at 5 pm, followed by evening services and dinner at 7:30 pm Candle lighting is scheduled for 7:38 pm Children’s programming runs from 7:30-8:30 pm
  • Ten Oct. 4, morning services begin at 9:30 am, followed by a sermon and shofar at noon. A kiddush lunch will follow services. A children’s program runs from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm Shabbat candles will be lit at 6:45 pm

For Yom Kippur:

  • Ten Oct. 11, a pre-fast meal will begin at 5:30 pm, followed by a candle lighting. Fast begins at 6:37 pm, and Kol Nidre services start at 6:40 pm Children’s programming runs from 6:40-7:40 pm
  • Ten Oct. 12, morning services start at 9:30 am, followed by a sermon and yizkor at 12:30 pm Children’s programming runs from 11 am to 1 pm Neilah and a concluding service start at 5:10 pm They will be followed by a complimentary break -the-fast. Children’s programming begins at 5:40 pm The holiday and fasting end at 7:29 pm

Temple Emanu-El

Tickets or an RSVP are required for Rosh Hashana services Oct. 2, 3 and 4, and Yom Kippur services Oct. 11 and 12 at Temple Emanu-El, 190 N. County Road. Complimentary kiddush/meals will be provided after Day 1 and 2 of Rosh Hashana, and break-the-fast after the conclusion of Yom Kippur. For information or to register, visit or call 561-832-0804.

For Rosh Hashanah:

  • Ten Oct. 2, evening services begin at 7 pm
  • Ten Oct. 3, morning services start at 9 am A family service will be held at 10 am, followed by snack time at 10:40 am and an art program for kids at 11 am Tashlich will follow at 2 pm
  • Ten Oct. 4, morning services start at 9 am

For Yom Kippur:

  • Ten Oct. 11, Kol Nidre services are scheduled to begin at 6:30 pm
  • Ten Oct. 12, morning services will begin at 9 am, followed by Yizkor at 11 am, a study session with Rabbi Resnick at 3 pm, mincha at 4:30 pm, neilah at 6:30 pm, and break-the-fast at 7: 30 pm A family service will be held at 10 am, followed by snack time at 10:40 am and an art program for kids at 11 am

Palm Beach Synagogue

Palm Beach Synagogue at 120 N. County Road will host a series of High Holiday events that include adult services, holiday meals and youth and teen programming. Reservations are required for all meals and services. Space is limited. For information or to register, visit

For Rosh Hashanah:

  • Ten Oct. 2, there will be a candle lighting at 6:47 pm, followed by an evening service at 7 pm
  • Ten Oct. 3, there will be a morning service at 8:30 am, followed by toddler and youth groups at 10:30 am, teen lounge at 10:30 am and a sermon, shofar and Musaf at 11 am A holiday lunch will follow. At 5 pm, the shofar will be blown at CityPlace in West Palm Beach, followed by tashlich and shofar on the beach at 6:30 pm Evening services begin at 7 pm, followed by a candle lighting at 7:38 pm
  • Ten Oct. 4, there will be a morning service at 8:30 am, followed by toddler and youth groups at 10:30 am, teen lounge at 10:30 am and a sermon, shofar and musaf at 11 am A holiday lunch will follow. A candle lighting will be held at 6:45 pm, followed by evening services and a Shabbat dinner.
  • Ten Oct. 5, there will be a Mysticism & Mocha program at 9 am, followed by morning services at 9:30 am and toddler and youth groups at 10:30 am A kiddush luncheon will follow. Evening events include Living Through Torah (5:30 pm) and evening services (6:30 pm). Shabbat ends at 7:36 pm

For Yom Kippur:

  • On Oct.11, there will be a mincha service at 5 pm, followed by a pre-fast meal. A candle lighting is scheduled for 6:37 pm Toddler and youth groups and Kol Nidre begin at 6:45 pm
  • Ten Oct. 12, morning services begin at 9 am, followed by toddler and youth groups and teen lounge at 10:30 am; a sermon and yizkor at 1:30 pm; mincha and neilah services at 5:30 pm; and shofar blowing at 7:29 pm A complimentary break-the-fast meal will follow.

New Synagogue

Cantor Alex Kalb will join New Synagogue for the High Holiday season. Membership is not required to attend any services. To register, visit For information, call 561-514-4064. New Synagogue is at 235 Sunrise Ave.

For Rosh Hashanah:

  • Ten Oct. 2, evening services will begin at 6:40 pm
  • Ten Oct. 3, morning services will take place at 8:45 am Shofar blowing and tashlich are scheduled for 5:20 pm, and will be followed by evening services at 6:30 pm
  • Ten Oct. 4, morning services begin at 8:45 am and will include shofar blowing. Evening services to conclude Rosh Hashanahand greet Shabbat are scheduled for 6:35 pm
  • Ten Oct. 6, New Synagogue will observe the Feast of Gedaliah with a special commemorative service at 7 pm to remember the tragic events of Oct. 7, 2023. A break-the-fast will follow the service.

For Yom Kippur:

  • Ten Oct. 11, afternoon services will begin at 3:40 pm Kol Nidre will follow at 6:35 pm
  • Ten Oct. 12, morning services will begin at 9 am Yizkor will follow at 11:30 am Afternoon services begin at 4:30 pm Neilah will conclude Yom Kippur at 6:20 pm The shofar will be sounded at 7:29 pm

Jodie Wagner is a journalist at the Palm Beach Daily Newspart of the USA TODAY Florida Network. You can reach her at [email protected].