
How to Become Recognized as a High Performer in Your Career?

How to Become Recognized as a High Performer in Your Career?

Feeling stuck in your current role as a mid-level player? Many employees find themselves in this position, and often their full potential is not adequately recognized. But with a strategic approach and the right mindset, you can achieve high-performance status and redefine your career trajectory.

Realize the Potential Within You

The belief that mid-level performers have reached their peak potential is not only widespread but deeply flawed. Research shows that most mid-level performers have the innate talent needed to rise to high-performance status. This means you probably have untapped talents waiting to be developed.

Unfortunately, recently Leadership IQ study It found that only 26% of leaders thought they were highly adept at transforming mid-level performers into high performers. In other words, you will probably have to put in some effort and defend yourself.

Turn Good Job into Great Business

Identifying what separates good work from great work is a powerful technique for improving your performance. For example, if high performers are proactive and middle performers are passive, focus on behaviors that reflect proactivity. Good business can include supporting initiatives; Great work involves encouraging others to do the same and leading by example.

Start by asking your manager to identify three to five key characteristics that distinguish high performers in your company. This may include traits such as proactivity, teamwork or empathy. Once these attributes are identified, set specific, actionable goals for improving each skill. Communicate regularly with your manager to track your progress and refine your approach based on their feedback, ensuring your efforts are closely aligned with high performance standards in your organization.

Ask Your Boss This Question

Regular one-on-one conversations with your manager about your work can be transformative. These conversations should highlight the differences between good and excellent work and provide specific examples of how you can improve your performance.

One great question to ask your boss is: “If you were me, what would you choose to work on?” It’s a low-pressure question, so they don’t feel challenged, and the feedback is usually pretty specific.

Spend More Time with Your Manager

The previous techniques will buy you extra time with your boss, and this is an important step. This will not only increase your visibility, but will also significantly increase your satisfaction and engagement. A study on optimum hours A study on spending time with your boss found that people who spent 6 hours a week interacting with their leaders were 29% more inspired than those who spent just one hour a week.

Take Advantage of In-House Mobility

Explore new roles within your organization that may better align with your strengths and interests. Many companies offer internal mobility programs that allow you to move into different positions, often unlocking your full potential in the process.

A. study on career development It found that only 19% of employees felt their daily work brought them closer to their long-term career goals. There’s a chance you may need to find a different role that’s more aligned with your career goals.

Advocate for Your Development

If the benefits of being a high performer seem unclear, advocate for incentives that are meaningful to you, such as training opportunities or projects that align with your personal values. Getting recognition for your accomplishments can also motivate you to maintain high performance.

Create a Personalized Growth Plan

Work with your manager to create a growth plan that includes the development of specific skills, experiences to be gained, and milestones to be achieved. Review the plan regularly to stay on track to becoming a high performer.

Embrace Change and Lead Others

Embrace change initiatives and move beyond mere participation by leading your colleagues to embrace new directions. Great performers don’t just adapt; they inspire adaptation in others. This can be achieved by guiding team conversations in a positive way and encouraging collective focus on solutions.