
Two candidates in Winslow District 4 race after residents launch turnout campaign

Two candidates in Winslow District 4 race after residents launch turnout campaign

WINSLOW — The race for the District 4 City Council seat is heating up after a council member abruptly dropped out.

Incumbent councilman Ray Caron was scheduled to run against resident Doris Labranche In the November 5 elections dropped his re-election bid He resigned his seat, effective September 10.

Caron’s announcement came just five days after the window closed for residents to declare their candidacy, leaving Labranche unopposed after the resignation.

Calm Kyla after days Mikhalovites In a post on the “Winslow ME Community Builders” Facebook group he moderates, he announced his intention to run a turnout campaign for Caron’s seat.

Both Labranche and Mihalovits are seeking their first terms in municipal office.

Winslow’s District 4 includes a portion of the town north of Clinton Boulevard and south of Simpson Boulevard. You can find a complete list of streets in each municipality’s voting district at: Town of Winslow website.

Labranche said in an email interview and social media posts last week that getting municipal spending under control and supporting local law enforcement would be among his top priorities if elected.

“I understand the necessity of living on a budget and the need to be frugal,” Labranche wrote in a Facebook post. “I have a special place in my heart for law enforcement and first responders, as my son is an Army veteran and my father is a Navy veteran.”

Labranche has lived in Winslow for more than 30 years and has volunteered with numerous local organizations, including the Bread of Life Veterans Shelter in Augusta and Waterville. Boys and Girls Club.

Asked how he plans to address political disagreements in Winslow, Labranche said he would run a positive campaign and increase transparency in city government if elected.

“Residents of District 4 have reported to me that they are tired of the drama and negativity. They want true transparency and collaboration,” Labranche wrote in an email.

Write-in candidate Mihalovits said last week that he had no plans to run for City Council until Caron’s sudden resignation last week.

“This wasn’t in my plans for this fall, but sometimes we have to seize the moment,” he said. “Write campaigns are difficult and we may lose, but District 4 should have the right to choose their own voice in city office.”

His campaign focuses on completing Winslow’s mission long term infrastructure projects having has drifted in recent years and bringing civility to city politics during a time of turmoil.

“Municipal government should be concerned with schools, budgeting, infrastructure projects, paving roads and things like those projects,” Mihalovits said. “We need an alternative to social media that seems to have taken over our town.”

Last year was a contentious one among Winslow councillors. In recent months, a council member requested a protection order against the town manager, while two others may have violated privacy laws. seeking medical information It’s about a fellow council member coming out of a coma. Council members have held closed-door executive session meetings five times since August to discuss personnel issues and consult with legal counsel.

Mihalovits says he aims to reduce Winslow’s political anger by increasing community outreach and events.

“I think this will take more than a few months of work, but there are things we can do as a community to get people off Facebook, where a lot of these discussions are happening, and back into the community,” he said. in question.

Town Clerk Audra Fleury said Labranche’s name will be printed on Winslow voters’ ballots in the race because his name was removed following Caron’s late resignation.

Maine state law requires write-in candidates to formally declare their intent to run, but there is no such requirement in Winslow, Fleury said.

Mihalovits had previously filed paperwork to run for Winslow’s public library board of trustees. According to Fleury, Mihalovits’ name was removed from this race because he could not sit in both seats at the same time.