
Bridgerton ball in Detroit disappoints attendees

Bridgerton ball in Detroit disappoints attendees

A Bridgerton-themed event held in Detroit this weekend was such a disaster that it shut down Fyre Fest and the infamous Willy Wonka Glasglow Experience It was a flop and earned him the nickname “Scamerton”.

Hosted by the event company Uncle N Ben LLC (Also spelled Uncle & Me LLC) event, which is not an official Netflix event, was initially announced The event, dubbed the “Detroit Bridgerton Themed Ball,” promises a “magical” Regency-era experience filled with “elegance, elegance and historical charm.”

“Experience a unique night of music, dance and amazing costumes” The company website says: Social media posts also said that a “dazzling and romantic” night was celebrated with “stunning decor inspired by the hit TV series”, dancing, live entertainment, “excellent refreshments” and “dazzling surprises”.

With ticket prices ranging from $150 to $1,000, participants said they won a meager meal, cheap decorations, a single violinist and an exotic dancer.

Event disasters: Willy Wonka experience that went viral and caused mayhem in Glasgow to be released in the US

Bridgerton ball disaster

The Detroit Bridgerton Ball was originally scheduled for August 25, but was postponed until September 22 due to venue issues. Accordingly event management company. The party was eventually held at the historic Harmonie Club.

X, former Twitter user @rayleearts It was said in a way topic about experience Like others, they purchased $300 worth of tickets and were unable to reach the event organizers when the rescheduling occurred. Several internet users claimed that the company did not issue refunds or respond to emails about the change.

According to reports shared on social media, the participants’ troubles are just beginning.

A TikTok with clips of the event shared by user @kiimberyly Outside the venue in the rain, elegantly dressed guests were seen shouting with enthusiasm and many were about to leave.

“This was at 7:00 PM… the event started at 6:00 PM. I hadn’t even gotten in and over 60 people had already left. The (people) who left told me to go to the bar with them,” a caption above the video reads. “No security, no entrance, no promoters,” the clip reads, echoing a common online complaint that tickets to the event were not being scanned or properly checked and that “random people” were wandering in and eating throughout the night.

“No food, no drinks, not enough chairs or tables, no performers, no promoters in sight…” the video continued. The clip showed music mostly coming from speakers, with several other attendees complaining online. Instead of the promised live instrumental music, a single violinist was playing and an exotic dancer was hired as entertainment.

Showing footage of a long food queue, the TikToker said attendees told him “the chicken was raw and the cups were being reused”. Eventually, the venue ran out of food and he and his partner left to eat elsewhere.

Another TikTok clip released @bu.resa He showed his dinner plate. The appetizer, which featured two chicken wings, a meatball, and small scoops of mashed potatoes, green beans, and macaroni, was heavily criticized by reviewers, who compared it to Hamburger Helper and said Lady Whistledown herself would “feast on it.” According to several posts, the food sold out in about an hour.

Posters and commentators speculated that the plain decor inside the venue came from discount or dollar stores, and lamented that none of the promised events, including a cash-prize best-dressed contest and a selection of Apples of the Season, had materialized. More photos painted a bleak picture of bored people dressed in their finest, sitting on the floor and staring at their phones.

‘I cannot stress enough that this is a scam’

TikTok @morethanyourlife like many others, described the experience as a scamHe said the organisers failed to pay vendors such as photographers, never scanned tickets and employed a Queen Charlotte who acted out of character and tried to sell business cards to guests who took photos.

She also noted that she and other guests likely spent extra money on top of tickets, including expensive dresses, outfit changes, accessories, hair and makeup, and transportation, and said the cost of attending did not match the quality of the ball.

“I cannot emphasize enough that this is a scam,” he concluded.

The event organizer responds

Uncle N Me LLC did not immediately respond to requests for comment, but Make a statement to local ABC affiliate 7 News Detroit.

“We understand that not everyone had the experience they had hoped for at our recent event at The Harmonie Club on Sunday night and for that we sincerely apologize,” the company said in a statement to 7 News. “While our aim was to provide a magical evening, we understand that organizational challenges impacted some guests’ enjoyment. We take full responsibility and accountability for these shortcomings.”

“Please know that we are working diligently to address all concerns to ensure that all guests have the enjoyable experience they deserve,” the statement continued. “Your feedback is invaluable and we truly appreciate both the positive and constructive comments shared with us.”

There is a group on Facebook Bridgerton Ball Scam- Detroit It was created for dissatisfied guests to share their complaints, experiences, photos and take legal action. The group founder has vowed to file a lawsuit against Uncle N Me LLC.

Posts in the group included instructions to report scams or fraud to the local police department and information about a class-action lawsuit involving 100 to 150 people, with multiple attorneys looking into the details. Other posts discussed further action, such as filing a complaint with the state Attorney General’s Office.