
RIBER: 2024 first half earnings

RIBER: 2024 first half earnings

2024 first half earnings

  • Solid half-year revenue growth (+13%)
  • Gross margin increased by 21% and operating income is at a level that offsets losses
  • Net profit of €0.2 million despite lower seasonal revenues
  • Strong increase in order book (+18%) to 36.0 million euros as of 30 June 2024
  • Expectation confirmed: Revenues exceed 40 million euros and earnings growth expected for the full year

Bezons, September 25, 2024 – 08:00 – RIBER, the global market leader in semiconductor industry equipment, announces its earnings for the first half of 2024.

(million euros) First half of 2024 First half of 2023 To change
System revenues
Service and accessory revenues
Gross margin
% of revenues
+2.5 points
Business income
% of revenues
+9.1 points
Net income
% of revenues
+11.4 points

Important developments

In the first half of 2024, RIBER achieved solid business growth despite an uncertain macroeconomic environment. This performance reflects its strong position in the MBE market, driven by a sharp increase in orders in the first half, with 8 systems ordered for both research and industrial production. Additionally, the services and accessories business saw a significant uptick from a positive base.


In this context, revenues in the first half of 2024 increased by 13% compared to the first half of 2023, reaching 13.7 million euros. System revenues increased by 10% to 9.4 million euros, while service and accessory revenues increased by 19% to 4.3 million euros.


The company notes that first-half earnings may not be reflected in the full year due to low seasonality of first-half revenues.

Gross margin in the first half of 2023 was €4.8 million, representing 34.8% of revenues, compared with 32.3% in the first half of 2023.

Operating profit increased by 1.1 million euros, reaching a loss-making point in the first half of 2024.

Net income was positive at 0.2 million euros, compared to a loss of 1.2 million euros in the first half of 2023. This includes net financial income of 0.2 million euros.

Cash flow and balance sheet

As of the end of June 2024, the cash position was positive at 7.1 million euros, compared to 9.7 million euros as of December 31, 2023 and 8.3 million euros as of June 30, 2023.

Shareholders’ equity as of the end of June 2024, taking into account the distribution to shareholders mainly from the six-month earnings and the issue premium paid in June, amounted to 19.6 million euros compared to 21.2 million euros as of 31 December 2023.

Order book

The order book at 30 June 2024 reached €36.0 million, up 18% compared to 30 June 2023. System orders reached €30.2 million (+27%) based on 12 machines, including 7 production machines. Orders for services and accessories (€5.8 million) fell 14%.
This order book does not include the order for 1 research machine announced in August 2024.


Considering current orders scheduled for delivery in 2024 and opportunities for its systems, services and accessories, RIBER expects further earnings improvement as well as full-year revenues exceeding €40 million.

In the semiconductor market driven by innovation, the company expects new orders in the fourth quarter.

Next date: Third quarter 2024 earnings as of October 30, 2024, prior to commencement of trading.

The condensed consolidated six-month accounts have not been subject to an audit or limited review by the statutory auditors. They were approved by the Board of Directors on 24 September 2024. The six-month financial report is available in French on the company’s website (


Founded in 1964, RIBER is the global market leader for MBE – molecular beam epitaxy – equipment. It designs and manufactures equipment for the semiconductor industry and provides its customers with scientific and technical support (hardware and software), maintaining their equipment and optimizing their performance and output levels.
By accelerating the performance of electronics, RIBER equipment plays a key role in the development of advanced semiconductor systems used in a multitude of applications, from information technology to photonics (lasers, sensors, etc.), from 5G telecommunications networks to research including quantum computing.

RIBER is an innovative company approved by BPI France and is listed on the Euronext Growth Paris market (ISIN: FR0000075954).


RIBER: Annie Geoffroy | tel: +33 (0)1 39 96 65 00 | [email protected]

CALPTUS: Cyril Combe | tel: +33 (0)1 53 65 68 68 | [email protected]