
8 Best Google Programming Courses You Can Access for Free

8 Best Google Programming Courses You Can Access for Free

Before becoming one Software engineer at Google33 years old Coastal Gaba was a completely self-taught computer engineer with a background in mechanical engineering.

Many new programmers who start out in Gaba’s shoes turn to free YouTube videos or their expensive counterparts, programming courses. However, both have their flaws. YouTube videos often lack an interactive element, while paid courses can be prohibitively expensive.

“I started learning programming very late in life, around 25, and at the time I was completely confused,” Gaba told Business Insider.

In search of alternative sources, Gaba explored access routes Google’s programming courses Some of these courses are part of different packages that cost around $49 but can be audited for free, while others are free courses available on Google’s tech development site.

Auditing a Google programming course allows you to enroll without earning credit or certification. Gaba audited a few courses and a few months later landed his first programming job at a small fintech startup, then moved on to Amazon in 2019 and Google in 2021.

Here are eight essential courses, all free to access, that I recommend every programmer take.

1. Crash Course in Python

Python, most popular programming languages “For beginners and experts,” Gaba said. “It focuses on the core skills you need to actually start building something, without overwhelming you with unnecessary details.”

32 hour course It includes readings, exams, and a final project that lets you apply your skills to real-world problems, giving you a well-rounded learning experience. Gaba said the course is especially useful for those in data science, web development, automation, and even certain back-end frameworks.

2. Tools of the Trade – Linux and SQL

Gaba says he regrets not learning Linux early in his career and advises people not to make the same mistake. “Linux is a widely distributed operating system known for its stability and security, and it runs most of the machines on the internet. As a developer, you should work with the command-line interface called Shell quite regularly.”

Structured Query Language, or SQL, is the standard language for working with relational databases, and Gaba recommends that programmers learn it as soon as possible. “It’s not complicated, but it’s integral to being able to deliver applications.”

Tools of the Trade — Linux and SQL It is a course that helps users build a solid foundation for both tools.

3. Main Data Structures and Algorithms

Data structures and algorithms are the fundamental building blocks of problem solving in software engineering and a key component of Big Tech coding conversations. Gaba says that understanding Main Data Structures and Algorithms It is the cornerstone of interview preparation.

Instead of creating new content, this course gives you access to a database of the best resources available on interview preparation.

“They’re not trying to reinvent the wheel, they’re actually using some of the good resources out there and presenting them to you as a structured learning path.” If you’re going to take any course on this list, this is Gaba’s #1 recommendation.

4. Introduction to Git and GitHub

Writing code is only the first step in programming, says Gaba; an effective programmer must also master Git and Github to manage code, collaborate with others, and track changes over time.

Introduction to Git and GitHub It is a 27 hour course that covers both.

“By the end of this course, you will have the skills to manage your code efficiently and contribute to open source projects,” Gaba said. “You will understand how to create and manage repositories, handle merge conflicts, and use pull requests effectively.”

5. Troubleshooting and Debugging Techniques

Many new coders fall into the trap of spending more time debugging their code than actually writing it. Gaba explained that effective debugging is a skill that can make or break a programmer’s reliability and productivity.

Google’s debugging course It teaches programmers how to reproduce problems, find their root causes, and systematically debug their code.

6. Machine Learning Crash Course

Machine learningor teaching a machine to make decisions without giving direct commands, hottest topics in technology and has affected almost every sector.

Gaba recommends Google’s Machine Learning Crash Course a great way to get into machine learning without being overwhelmed by every algorithm out there. His favorite part is the interactive visualizations and hands-on Workouts in Colab.

7. Generative Artificial Intelligence

Google’s Foray into Generative AI the course is a quick introduction to the basic principles of GenAI without going too deep. “It will tell you what large language models, or LLMs, are and how they relate to things we hear about all the time, like Gemini and ChatGPT,” Gaba explained.

Grasping this emerging concept can help new programmers feel more prepared to work with these technologies in the future, and it only takes an hour.

8. Fundamentals of Cyber ​​Security

In our increasingly digital world, data breaches have seemingly become the norm. Gaba says understanding the basics of cybersecurity is no longer optional, it’s required.

Fundamentals of Cyber ​​Security Introduces common cyber threats, basic security practices, and how to integrate them into the development process.

Gaba acknowledges that this course won’t turn new programmers into cybersecurity experts, but it does give you a better understanding of the security practices used within companies. “It’s designed to help you understand the basics of cybersecurity so you can write code that doesn’t expose any data.” It’s a beginner-level course that’s expected to take about 14 hours to complete.

One of the biggest benefits Gaba gained from these courses is the learning style. Instead of memorizing concepts, you get the opportunity to apply them.

If you are a knowledgeable software engineer and would like to share your career tips, please email Tess Martinelli: [email protected].