
Userful showcases enterprise software for security and operations at GSX 2024

Userful showcases enterprise software for security and operations at GSX 2024

The security industry’s largest physical security conferences demonstrate year after year how software-driven this old hardware-based landscape has become. Software dominates discussions at most vendor booths, whether it’s access control platforms, video surveillance networks, alarms and intrusion detection systems. Solutions providers Convenient CompanyAs a world leader in IT solutions and data visualization, it has become an indispensable part of fairs such as GSX.

The California-based software management company added GSX to its program several years ago to find enterprise-level customers and senior management security executives who need business and security operational assistance on GSOCs, unified communications strategies and other mission-critical risk and security services.

Useful expands the capabilities of its Quad-Play solution with even more powerful features designed to modernize operations centers. On display at GSX Booth #2352, this innovative solution combines video walls, advanced operator workstations, war rooms, and operations notifications, all controlled from a central hub. The latest enhancements improve data visualization, simplify control room management, and provide new tools for communicating with frontline workers.

Userful’s core enterprise operations and mission-critical environments serve a wide range of industries worldwide, including healthcare, manufacturing and manufacturing, banking and finance, airports and transportation, and higher education. Its solutions provide a unified IT platform for enterprise AV applications, providing global manageability through a single pane of glass interface while providing comprehensive organizational and situational awareness, enabling efficient management of complex operations. Specializing in vertical markets that require centralized hubs for real-time data, monitoring, coordination, and decision-making, the Userful platform improves overall performance. editorial director Steve Lasky sat down with Userful President and CEO John Marshall ahead of the GSX show. The discussion revolved around the need for an enterprise solution like the one Userful offers and how the security implications will impact business operations for such organizations.

SIW-1: Who is Userful and what is the reason for security guards visiting your booth at GSX?

Marshal: Userful is the company that developed the Infinity platform. This software-based solution allows your operations center leadership to deploy software locally on-premises, in a private cloud environment, or in the public cloud. We give you unlimited flexibility to deploy where your operations center needs are. Ninety percent of the time, we see deployment happen locally in a very isolated Control Center.

But we are increasingly interested in distributing these services across multiple sites. Multiple sites and partners may be involved in maintaining operations, they may be MSPs. So the interconnectedness of this need is driving more and more people to look at a software-based solution that can be across multiple locations and user pools. This is the leading solution for this type of distributed solution.

SIW: When you’re talking to enterprise-level customers and clients, how do you present to them and explain what the solution can do for them and what the return on investment could be in the future?

Marshal: Interestingly enough, we see the market evolving and diverging at that decision point; businesses today are primarily interested in security or operations. So if the interest is around security, we lean heavily on that. Quadruple Game story allows you to have operator workstations where they are watching a very focused set of information, but if they need to look at a video wall to be able to see something that is shared and common to all operators in the room. If there is a crisis or an alert, security personnel need to be able to move into a war room to have an in-depth discussion about how they are going to handle the situation and, in the worst case scenario, whether they need to send out a full active alert for something like an active shooter or an intruder. No matter what happens, they need to be able to use digital signage and alert technology to keep management informed. Blue light services are delivered to everyone involved via a mobile phone screen with an alert message mass notification type of messaging. All four of these make up Quad-Play, and that is the value proposition that we offer to organizations that are interested in security. Quad-Play is the only solution today that offers all of these in a single platform.