
New trial ordered for former Macomb County employee who sued for age discrimination – Macomb Daily

New trial ordered for former Macomb County employee who sued for age discrimination – Macomb Daily

The state Court of Appeals has ordered a new trial for a former Macomb County employee who claims she resigned in 2017 after being retaliated against by her boss for alleged age discrimination.

Pamela Tudor, who works at the county’s Community Corrections, won a new trial request last week in an appeals court because an expert was allowed to testify at a 2022 trial that certain exchanges involving Tudor and her supervisor, Barbara Caskey, did not constitute discrimination. The panel ruled 3-0 that the expert reached legal conclusions that the judge should not have allowed and influenced the jury enough to tip the case in favor of the defendant, Macomb County.

In May 2022, a jury found “no cause of action” on Tudor’s $1.2 million claim after a hearing in Macomb Civil Court in Mount Clemens.